Got some great news. AB 374 which would allow cannabis dispensaries with lounges to sell food and non-alcohol beverages as well as have and sell tickets for live performances and other entertainment has passed the Assembly and the Senate and is now sitting on the Governor’s desk awaiting his signature.
He has not signed it yet which is a bit troubling. Even more troubling is that he just vetoed SB 58 which would have decriminalized the possession and personal use of a short list of natural psychedelics, including “magic mushrooms." He has his eyes on the presidency in 2028 and so everything he does is influenced by that ambition.
This is why it is all the more critical that he hear from voters that he should sign this important and critical piece of legislation. AB 374 not only brings cannabis even more into the mainstream but can help the struggling legal cannabis businesses by giving them another outlet for attracting customers away from illegal sources and giving bars and taverns a run for the money with cannabis lounges being now able to offer food, non-alcoholic beverages, dancing and entertainment just like they do.
It should be noted that through the efforts of the Brownie Mary Democrats, AB 374 was officially endorsed by CaDEM at the last Eboard meeting. I am sure this will have some influence on getting him to sign the bill, but the most important influence comes from you so it is important that you contact Governor Newsom now.
There are two ways to contact Governor Newsom - phone and the internet.
To phone call (916) 445-2841. Follow the prompts and you will be able to speak with an aide. Just tell the aide to let the Governor know you want him to sign AB 374. Don't have to say anymore but you might mention that AB 374 was endorsed by CaDEM and if you want to elaborate a little bit more go ahead. You will have to call during office hours which are Monday - Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
On the internet which can be done 24/7 go to:
On the right hand side, select send an Email and then under Select an Option chose the first one Active Bill. Then from the list of bills choose AB 374. The next box is for the purpose of your email and that is to leave a comment. Go to next page and choose Pro and in message subject put AB 374 and in message write "Please Sign AB 374" and you might also mention that AB 374 was endorsed by CaDEM. On the next page put in your name and email address and optional phone number. Click submit and sit back and congratulate yourself for doing something to make this world better and a lot more fun.
Now you are probably wondering what is this all about the devil. Well while you are calling Governor Newsom and may be on hold or why you are filling out the contact form on the Governor's website, you can enjoy this great Muppet clip of The Devil Went Down to Jamaica. Just CLICK HERE.
Thanks for taking a few minutes to contact Governor Newsom about AB 374. I really want to go to a cannabis lounge, enjoy some good food, listen to music, dance, be entertained and smoke pot. Don't you?
Lanny Swerdlow, RN LNC
Chair & Founder
Brownie Mary Democrats of California
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